Friday, April 30, 2010

Standing Man (Fat Man)

Marc Sijan

Standing Man


Pigmented polyester resin on fiberglass,

81 x 46.25 x 82.25 in.

This is the classic example of glorifying something so common to make it more than it is. Sijan took a fat bald man with nothing especially unique about him, and turned him into a work of art. Hyper realism gives the artist the ability to make a very strong statement. The more real the viewer perceives it, the more they can connect with it. This Milwaukee artist has had many years of formal academic training. He got his graduate degree in art and later went back to school to study more about the human body taking classes like anatomy. This helped him to perfect his art, and perfect it he did. All of his human figures could easily be mistaken for a person. They don’t quite capture the drama of an art piece that would look out of place in a social environment. They are life like down to the pores.

From the artists biography: “Marc Sijan's Super realistic sculptures are ‘homages to humanity's fascination with its own forms -- a fascination which has compelled artists throughout the millennia to mirror life in virtually every medium.’ Sijan's figures are incredibly lifelike, sensuous and graceful. In fact, they are so lifelike, they seem always on the verge of movement, a mere instant away from action. The pores in the skin, the tiny hairs, and veins; even the bald spots, the blemishes, the individual shapes of the faces that make human beings so similar, yet so unique: These are the essence of what makes Marc Sijan's work so arresting.”(

Artists Statement: "I am seeking to freeze motion rather than suggest life," he notes. "The sculpture appears passive, but there is so much going on inside."

(Marc Sijan,

link to picture:

Sifter, Twisted. “Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck.” TwistedSifter. N.p., 23 Nov. 2009. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

Sijian, Marc. “Biography.” Marc Sijian. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

- - -. “Marc Sijan Ultra Realistic Sculptures.” Smith Kramer. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

“Standing Man.” Marc Sijian. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

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